Urban Foraging Workshops

If you’ve been keen to come on one of our Urban Foraging walks, it’s finally time!! We’ve put our planning hats on and mapped out the next 3 months of workshops and coaching sessions, and we’re kicking it off with 5 Urban Foraging sessions.

In these small-group sessions (usually under 10 students), we observe and interact with a range of edible fruits, greens and flowers found in ‘wild’ urban spaces around Victoria.

We identify examples of trees bearing summer fruit, and help you understand the physical features you can use to correctly identify useful trees even when they’re not fruiting. We discuss the types of locations where you can hunt for wild edibles in the future, and give you some tips on how to safely prepare and enjoy eating many of the foods we find.

Included in the session fee is a full-colour learning pack, a tasty foraged-food picnic, and a followup list of resources to help you extend your learning.

If you like the sound of that, you can either follow the links in the pictures below, or you can check out our constantly-updating Collections over on Eventbrite. We’ve currently got one for Foraging which will house Urban Foraging and Mushroom Foraging events, and one for Workshops, which will include all foraging events as well as Dehydrating Food, Eco-Cleaning, Fermenting, Sourdough Baking, Traditional Crafting, No-Dig Gardening and more. We’re all set for a busy year, and these will be rolling out over the coming months.

If you’re an eager beaver and want to get first dibs on workshop spaces as they become available, sign up to out mailing list below and we’ll send you a pre-release invitation for each new round of sessions.

Looking forward to seeing you out in the field for some foraging fun!
Nanna Anna

Permaculture Principle 1: Observe & Interact; 2: Catch & store energy; 6: Produce no waste; 10: Use and value diversity; 11: Use edges and value the marginal

Find some of our posts on foraging and what to do with your wild food harvest here…

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